ABINFO Cooperative Research and Development

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Two key aspects of the activities of ABINFO since its foundation has been to work on developing technologies for education and promote education in science and technology.

To perform these activities, ABINFO provides opportunities for students and specialists of various levels to participate in its projects. ABINFO organizes short courses and events in science and technology aimed at mobilizing communities of technology-based companies and educational institutions for the development of new technologies and applications.

ABINFO also developed in cooperation with companies, educational and research institutions, educators and independent experts, the Plataforma Alvorecer (Dawn platform), which integrates a management system for the evolution of the knowledge of the school as well as a digital desk for in-class interaction. The management system provides for the use of personalized learning environments and interaction envirenments aimed at improving the team of professors.

Other actions produced several devices to support motor learning and support to people with special needs for learning.

Alvorecer Education Platform


This platform is under development

Tools for a better Education

Ferramenta de organização do conteúdo curricular – proporciona a revisão e aprimoramento do conteúdo curricular.

Ferramenta de Ambiente de Aula e planejamento de lições: planejamento da aula, exercícios em aula e em casa, acesso à informação em livros e na internet.

Criação de módulos de conhecimento com a dinâmica definida pelo professor, abrangentes e multidisciplinares que contêm vários ambientes de aula para uso em qualquer momento da evolução do aluno.

Compartilhamento de módulos de conhecimento e de ambientes de aula com outras escolas.

Modelos de ambientes de interação e cooperação que asseguram rapidez e consistência na apresentação do conteúdo e dos recursos informáticos e tradicionais.

Atribuição de tarefas rápida e flexível visando o trabalho personalizado.


Tool for organization of curriculum content - provides the revision and improvement of the curriculum content.

Tool for Lecture Environment and lesson planning: planning lecture, exercises in class and at home, access to information in books and on the Internet.

Creation of knowledge modules with dynamics defined by the teacher, comprehensive and multidisciplinary environments that contain multiple class to use at any time of the development of the student.

Sharing knowledge modules and classroom environments with other schools.

Models of cooperation and interaction environments that ensure speed and consistency in presentation of content and computing resources and traditional.

Assigning tasks fast and flexible order custom work.



Carteira Digital - Digital Desk

Developed by ABINFO in cooperation with Serrana City Government, Fazenda S. Bento, MRC S. Paulo, François Guillemin, Fortaleza, Gilson David, Jundiai



Digital desk Cooperative fabrication Pilot application



First prototype
(Serrana city government, São Paulo, Brasil)

Second prototype

(ABINFO, Fazenda S. Bento, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil)

Serrana, São Paulo, Brasil

Fazenda S. Bento

Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

LatinDisplay 2008 - Display Escola

Short Graduate Course on Displays