LatinDisplay 2019
LatinDisplay 2019;

Welcome message

We are honored to announce LatinDisplay 2019 to be held with TecnoMultimidia InfoComm, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in April 2th to 4th, 2019.

The junction of LatinDisplay and TecnoMultimidia Infocomm is auspicious for bringing together two sectors of great dynamism and effervescence how are the audio and video and the display sectors, the one moving a market around US$ 150 billion while displays represent a sector of more than US$ 120 billion.

Aiming to stimulate new research and business relationships as well as to introduce displays to those new to the field, the event is attracting experts from all over the world to present the latest advances in displays and related technologies and to discuss challenges and opportunities for Brazil and Latin America.

LatinDisplay ultimate goal is to deepen the understanding of this field of knowledge by fostering scientific, technological and business connections and cooperation. For that the event will provide the participants with great opportunities to experience and discuss state-of-the-art displays, their applications and other technologies directly related to them such as advanced interfaces (multimodal, adaptive, etc.), image processing, virtual and augmented reality, lighting, solar panels, nanotechnology, etc.

LatinDisplay 2019 will consist of:

• Scientific and Technical Symposium with the presentation of invited lectures and contributed papers
• DisplayEscola (Display School)

The Program Committee and the Organizing Committee of LatinDisplay 2019 are doing their best to ensure a successful and rewarding conference for all participants.The Program Committee is chaired by Dr. Adi Abileah, the Vice-President of SID for Pacific and Latin America, and co-chaired by Sriram Peruvemba, the Vice-President of SID for the Bay Area. Both are putting a great effort to make LatinDisplay 2019 a very productive and enjoyable event.

LatinDisplay/TecnoMultimidia Infocomm is organized by the Latin American Chapter of the Society for Information Display (SID), by Latin Press Brasil, by the Brazilian Association of Informatics (ABINFO) and by the Presbiteriam University Mackenzie. It is sponsored by SID, ABINFO and Latin Press Brasil.

Vowing that LatinDisplay 2019 be an opportunity to deepen the understanding of these fields of knowledge and continue to foster scientific, technological and business connections and cooperation, we welcome representatives of companies, funding agencies and government, professors and students from universities and technical schools, specialists and colleagues from scientific and industrial laboratories.


Benedito G. Aguiar Neto

Adi Abileah

