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Ana Flávia Nogueira
Ana Flávia Nogueira received her PhD degree in Inorganic Chemistry by the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil, in 2001. Her thesis, entitled “Gratzel’s solar cells using polymer electrolyte”, under supervision of Prof. Marco-Aurelio De Paoli, had the collaboration of Prof. James Durrant from Imperial College, London. In 2002, she returned to the group of Prof. Durrant for a post-doc in collaboration with Prof. Serdar Sariciftci, in Linz. The project focused on the investigation of the charge recombination in polymer-fullerene solar cells by transient absorption spectroscopy.
Since 2004, Dr. Nogueira is an associate professor at UNICAMP. The Laboratório de Nanotecnologia e Energia Solar (LNES) was founded in 2006 and at the moment the group has 13 students (between undergraduate, master, PhD and post-docs). LNES has two important research areas on solar cells. We continue to investigate dye sensitized solar cells) using polymeric materials as electrolyte and hole conducting materials, in the replacement of the liquid electrolyte. The studies are focused on the development of more stable and efficient polymer electrolytes, application of new nanostructures (nanotubes, nanorods and doped oxides) and novel Ru(II) polypyridyl dyes.
The research on organic solar cells is more recent. Since 2005, our lab is focusing in two important aspects of the organic solar cells: (i) increase in the light harvesting; (ii) improvement in the electronic transport. Our interests are on the synthesis and application of chemically modified carbon nanotubes, synthesis of new conducting polymers with improved light absorption and coordinating properties towards inorganic nanoparticles, introduction of organic and inorganic dyes in the polymer-fullerene blend and photophysic studies.
Anis Fadul
Anis Fadul is the Manager, Strategic Planning and Analysis, Photovoltaics Glass Technologies for Corning Incorporated, the world’s leading supplier of TFT-LCD glass substrates. He started his career with Corning in 1988 as a process engineer in the CRT TV business in São Paulo Brazil. He relocated to Corning’s headquarters in New York where he subsequently held a variety of engineering, project management, new product development and technology transfer positions in the Consumer Products and Optical Fiber divisions. In 2000, he joined Corning Display Technologies Division where he was responsible for developing the value proposition for EAGLE2000 LCD glass substrates, a product the quickly became the industry standard for TFT-LCD manufacturing. Anis was then responsible for implementing the strategic planning and analysis processes for the Display Division during the period of hyper growth of LCD applications. He also led the business analysis and reporting organization, functioning as a liaison between Corning’s Asia based display business and the U.S. corporate headquarters leadership. Anis was appointed to his current position in October 2008.
Anis holds a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes in Brazil, an MBA from Syracuse University and completed the 2020 Global Leadership Development Program at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College
Bernard Coll
Bernard F. Coll is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Motorola Labs. After European and U.S. professional experiences he joined the Motorola Phoenix Corporate Research Laboratory, in 1994 for the development of carbon and diamond related films and carbon nanotubes for field-emission displays (FED). His current interests are in the synthesis of carbon nanotubes for nanotechnology and large-area low-cost FEDs applications. He is the author of several publications and inventor and co-inventor of 20 patents in this field. He is a Motorola “Distinguished Innovator”. He holds a “diplome d’ingenieur” from ESME (Paris) and a specialization diploma in nuclear physics from I.N.S.T.N. (Paris) in 1980.
Daniel den Engelsen
Daniel den Engelsen (1941) got his Ph.D (Chemistry) in 1968 at the University
of Utrecht (The Netherlands). He worked in Philips Research and Philips Display Components from 1968-2004. He retired in 2004. Experience: Surface science, ellipsometry, CRT-technologies, FED-technologies, light and electron optics, phosphor technology, spectroscopy and solid-state chemistry.
In 2002 he was awarded as Fellow of the SID.
Now he is Visiting Professor at Southeast University in Nanjing (China), the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu (China) and Visiting Scientist at Centro de Pesquisas Renato Archer in Campinas (Brazil). Currently he is Guest Editor of the Journal of the SID.
Present areas of research and interest: LEDs, cold and hot cathodes, luminescence, FEDs, photonic materials, backlights for LCDs and gas discharge phenomena.
Dick Henze
Dick Henze has been at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories for 25 years, and is currently a project manager in the Information Surfaces Lab, where his team is addressing color reflective display technology. In addition to display technology, his work at HP Labs has encompassed a wide range of hardware and system architecture topics related to hard disk drives, nonvolatile memory-based enterprise storage, tape drive, cartridge, and servowriting systems, optical scanners, and ink development. His work has also included developments related to optical and mechanical instrumentation, electronic packaging, micromachining, and molecular electronics. Dick has worked with HP business divisions and external partners on the successful transfer and commercialization of technologies contributing to HP’s disk drive and LTO Ultrium tape format products. Dick received an MS (Mechanical Engineering) from UC Berkeley in 1980 and a BS (ME) from MIT. Prior to joining HP Labs, he worked on the application of laser-based light scattering and holographic instruments to the study of energy-related flow and combustion problems at Spectron Development Labs. Dick holds 17 US patents and has represented HP in industry consortia and as a liaison to various NSF academic centers.
Gary McGuire
Dr. Gary E. McGuire is the President and Chief Technical Officer of the International Technology Center (ITC), a non-profit research corporation founded in 2000. Dr. McGuire received his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Tennessee and conducted Post-doctoral studies at Oak Ridge National Laboratory before joining Texas Instruments where he conducted research on surfaces of semiconductor materials. Later after joining Tektronix he held several management positions directing research in electronic, display and color copier materials. He joined the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina in 1987 and was initially the Director of Electronic Materials and Devices and later Director of Business Development. Dr. McGuire has 12 patents and 50 patent publications and received the 1994 Semiconductor Research Corporation Recognition Award for his patent on a “Method of Forming Metal-Disilicide Films from Silicon-on-Insulator Substrates”. He has over 130 publications plus 35 books and book chapters. He is editor of the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B and Past-President of the AVS, a member society of the American Institute of Physics
Gopalan Rajeswaran
Dr.Gopalan Rajeswaran received the B.E, M.Tech and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1976, 1978 and 1983 from the University of Madras, the Indian Institute of Technology and the State University of New York, respectively. He joined Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1982 as a staff scientist, and was involved in the early years of amorphous silicon solar cell development. In 1985 he joined Eastman Kodak Company as a group leader & technical coordinator within the semiconductor laser and LED fabrication group. In 1991, he became a senior staff engineer in the area of LED array printhead development and the manufacturing of writer subsystems for high-speed digital copiers and printers. In 1996 became the program manager of OLED technology development and commercialization at Eastman Kodak Company, where he established the Kodak-Sanyo joint development alliance that resulted in the world's first active matrix OLED displays. He served as the Vice President of SK Display Corporation, Gifu, Japan from December 2001 until January 2004. In 2003, Kodak introduced the first commercial digital cameras containing SKD manufactured AMOLED displays. On returning to Kodak in 2004, and in his current role, he is serving as Vice President for Advanced Development & Strategic Initiatives, OLED Systems SPG, Display & Components Group, at Eastman Kodak Company. From April 2005, he is again on assignment in Japan, to promote OLED business alliances among major display companies in Asia. Dr. Rajeswaran is a Senior Research Fellow in the Eastman Kodak Research Laboratories. He has been actively engaged in international display conferences by delivering several invited seminars, tutorials and short courses.
Ingrid Heynderickx
Ingrid Heynderickx received her PhD degree in physics at the University of Antwerp in December 1986. In 1987 she joined the Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, and meanwhile worked in different areas of research: optical design of displays, processing of liquid crystalline polymers and functionality of personal care devices. Since 2005 she is research fellow in the group Visual Experiences, where she is heading the project on Visual Perception of Display and Lighting Systems. She is member of the Society for Information Displays (SID), and for the SID, she was chairman of the Applied Vision subcommittee, and currently is guest editor for a special issue on Display Characterization for the Journal of the SID. In 2005, she is appointed Guest Research Professor at the Southeast University of Nanjing (China) and Part-time Full Professor at the University of Technology in Delft (the Netherlands).
Johan Feenstra
Johan Feenstra received his PhD in Solid State Physics from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in the Netherlands in 1997. After that he spend 1.5 year as a post-doc at the university of Maryland working on microwave microscopy, a technology that is now being commercialized. In 1999 he moved to the Philips Research Labs in Eindhoven, the Netherlands where he has worked on electrowetting and its applications ever since. He is co-inventor of electrowetting displays and founder of Liquavista. Within Liquavista he is director of Technology Platforms.
Johan Feenstra is the author of more than 65 papers in internationally refereed journals, book chapters and patents pending
John F. Jacobs
John F. Jacobs
6840 Via del Oro, Suite 200, San Jose, CA 95119
DisplaySearch, and NPD Group Company, Director of Notebook PC Market Research (2004 – Present). Responsibilities include: Conducting original market research and analysis on the Notebook PC and Mini-Note PC market, including identification, evaluation and analysis of potential influences to the notebook PC marke,Authoring monthly report on large area TFT LCD panel pricing. Conducting custom market research and consulting projects.
Press: Quoted as a display industry expert in leading publications (Business Week, C|Net, eWeek, Forbes, Handelsblatt, IDG, InfoMoney, Information Week, Investors Business Daily, Laptop Magazine, MSNBC, PC World, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Technology Review, TechTarget, TWICE, The Wall Street Journal)
Apple Inc. Global Supply Manager (2000 – 2004): Strategic sourcing decisions, pricing, negotiations and the investigation of emerging technologies for the company's flat panel display products. Under my watch, Apple's LCD product line grew from four systems and four suppliers to more than a dozen displays and ten suppliers. Advise senior management and executives on critical product issues Work cross-functionally with Display Engineering Team on the development and sourcing of displays for existing and new systems development, and coordinating supplier selection to maintain lowest cost/highest performance solutions.
Quantum Inc., Sales Business Analyst (1999 – 2000): Managing weekly supply and demand business risks and opportunities; monthly forecast process, and demand plan. Conceptualization and preparation of ad-hoc marketing analyses and management of cross-functional projects. Development of business metrics, business trend forecasting, tracking and analyses, market research. Supported sales force and corporate marketing.
Viking (FedEx) Freight Inc., Senior Marketing Analyst (1996 – 1999): Business trend forecasting, tracking and analyses, market research, and development and maintenance of direct marketing database. Conducting competitive market segmentation, industry penetration, and sales force allocation analyses.Developed statistical analysis of all marketing and customer satisfaction surveys and data. Conducted various ad-hoc analyses and projects to support executive team
Ohlone College, Institutional Research Analyst (1995 – 1996): Managed research for Matriculation and Instruction Divisions. Planned and implemented a variety of research projects, individually, and in coordination with managers, faculty, and staff. Collected and analyzed data for government mandated and internal reports. Development and administration of various surveys. Initiation of program and process review and strategic planning.
EDUCATION: M.A., San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 6/1994; B.A., University of California Davis, Davis, CA 5/1988
Jyrki Kimmel
Jyrki Kimmel received the M.Sc. and Licentiate of Technology degrees in electrical engineering from the Tampere University of Technology in 1986 and 1992, respectively. He is currently Principal Researcher in Nokia Research Center in Tampere, Finland. He also lectures on display-related topics at Tampere University of Technology. Before joining Nokia in 1996, he was with the Technical Research Centre of Finland, and as a Fulbright Scholar in University of Utah. His current research interests relate to mobile displays, especially backlights. Mr. Kimmel has been active in SID, at Chapter and Board level duties. He was the European Regional Vice President of SID during 2004-2006.
Kenneth I. Werner
Kenneth I. Werner is Senior Analyst for Insight Media, which provides display intelligence through newsletters, research reports, conferences, and consulting services to companies in the information display and related industries, and to companies using, integrating, and selling displays. He is the founder of Nutmeg Consultants, whose personnel and programs became part of Insight Media in 2005, and was the Editor of Information Display Magazine from 1987 to 2005. Currently, he is Editor of Insight Media’s Display Watch and HDTV Retailer. Mr. Werner has become recognized as an authority on the display industry. He regularly addresses technical and trade organizations in North America, Europe, and Asia, and is routinely consulted by brokers, analysts, members of the international press corps, and companies entering or repositioning themselves in the industry. He speaks frequently with senior corporate and technology executives of large, mid-sized, and small display-related companies in Asia, Europe, and North and South America, as well as government officials and academic researchers. At BRDisplay II (July 2004, Recife, Brazil), he served as a consultant to the working groups developing a national strategy for the growth of display-related industry in Brazil and wrote the introduction to their report. Mr. Werner began his career as a semiconductor device design engineer for RCA. He holds a B.A. in physics from Rutgers University and an M.S. in solid-state physics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and has taken graduate management courses at the University of Connecticut. He has been an active participant in the display industry since 1987. In the last few years Mr. Werner has given keynote presentations at MicroDisplay 2001 (Westminster, Colorado), LCD/PDP International 2001 (Yokohama, Japan), and InfoDisplay VI (October 2003, Fortaleza, Brazil), and invited presentations at the winter Consumer Electronics Show 2002 (Las Vegas, Nevada), the International Display Manufacturing Conference 2002 (Seoul, Korea), the SID Korea Chapter Seminars (August 2002, Seoul, Korea), the Liquid Crystal Institute (November 2002, Kent, Ohio), and BRDisplay I (April 2004, Campinas, Brazil). His most recent invited paper at an international conference was “Current Strategies for Eliminating Motion Blur in LCD Television,” presented at IMID 2005 in Seoul, Korea. He was one of the referees for the Display Invention Competition held in August 2003 in Korolev, Russia, and he moderated the evening panel sessions at ASID 2004 (Nanjing, China) and ADEAC 2004 (Fort Worth, Texas). Mr. Werner is a founding partner of Chorus Consulting, a government-registered Korean company dedicated to forging mutually productive technology and business relationships among Asian, American, and European display-related companies. He is a member of the Society for Information Display and IEEE, and is Chairman of the Advisory Board for the award-winning IEEE Circuits & Devices magazine.
Kris Krishnamurthy
Dr. Kris Krishnamurthy, Director, R&D - Material Science - Display Business-OLED Systems - Eastman Kodak Company - Rochester, NY. USA.
Dr. Kris (Sundaram) Krishnamurthy was born in India and had his undergraduate ducation in Chennai. In 1972, He received his Ph.D. degree in organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue University working with Distinguished Professor Herbert C. Brown. The following years were spent as Postdoctoral Assistant to Professor Brown, helping him direct a large group of 30+ research scientists. Dr. Krishnamurthy’s research work led to the discovery of Super Hydrides, Selectrides, and Super Selectrides, and chiral boranes, enzyme-like selective reagents, leading to Professor Brown’s Nobel Prize in 1979. He accompanied Professor Brown for Nobel Ceremonies. These reagents have found thousands of applications in pharmaceuticals development. He joined Eastman Kodak Research Laboratories in 1979
Larry Weber
Dr. Larry F. Weber has spent his entire career of 38 years devoted to the advancement and promotion of plasma displays. He started in the late 60’s as a student of the plasma display inventors at the University of Illinois. In 1975 he became a professor at Illinois and rose to become the director of the plasma display research group. In 1987 he co-founded Plasmaco Inc., which in that same year acquired the world’s largest plasma display manufacturing plant from IBM. In 1993 he became President of Plasmaco. Under his leadership Plasmaco was acquired by Panasonic in 1996. In January 2004 he retired from the position of President and CEO of Plasmaco.
Dr. Weber has published over 40 papers and holds 15 patents on plasma displays including the patents for the energy recovery sustain circuit and the ramp setup waveform used in today’s plasma TV products. He is a Fellow of the SID and the IEEE. He has received two SID Special Recognition Awards. SID bestowed its’ prestigious Karl Ferdinand Braun Prize to Dr. Weber in 2000 for “pioneering contributions to Plasma Display Panel technology and its commercialization.” He now serves as President of the SID.
Lauren Palmateer

Lauren Palmateer, born in the year of the iron mouse (1960) in New Jersey, USA, dedicated her early ‘20’s to Radio Astronomy and GHz receivers at Bell Laboratories, Chalmers University in Sweden, Ecole Normale Superior in Paris and The Observatory of Paris-Meudon in France. Specialized in high frequency Schottky barrier diodes she moved onto IBM Watson Research Center in 1983 for work on GaAs, InP and related III-V semiconductors. She completed her PhD in high speed GHz Transistors in III-V systems at Cornell University under Professor Lester Eastman. In, 1990, IBM decided not to use GaAs in computers and she moved into the Flat Panel field in TFTLCDs for the IBM ThinkPad. Since 1995 she worked in Silicon Valley California for startup companies in TFTs for Medical Imaging at DpiX, LCOS for projection at MicroDisplay, MEMS for Telecom at Iolon and now MEMS for portable-reflective display applications with the start-up company Iridigm, , acquired by Qualcomm, Inc.. Determined to bring the IMOD reflective Qualcomm MEMS display to market for use in wireless communications, she specializes in manufacturing aspects, equipment and process design, materials, packaging and interconnects. Happy to be present at this SID 2007 conference in Brazil, hoping one day I share inspirations and experiences through outreach programs to students and young people in Brazil. RF is amazing and we don’t even see it, but can probe the far reaches of the Universe as well as calling our friends.
Manju Rajeswaran
Dr. Manju Rajeswaran is a Senior Research Scientist in Eastman Kodak Company. Manju received her B.S. in Chemistry, M.S. in Analytical chemistry and Ph. D. in Biophysics from Delhi University; Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India and Roswell Park Memorial Institute (graduate division of SUNY/Buffalo) respectively. Subsequently, she held 2 postdoctoral fellowships at SUNY/Stony Brook and at the University of Rochester. Manju joined Kodak in 1999 and is currently the technical leader in the analytical single crystal X-ray laboratory responsible for crystallography related activities and other analytical methods pertaining to polymorphism in materials science. She is experienced in wide range of analytical techniques vital for characterization and development of display materials. She has been an invited speaker at various national and international conferences.
Norbert Fruehauf
Prof. Norbert Fruehauf received his Ph.D. (Dr-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Stuttgart, Germany and has more than 17 years of experience in designing and characterising liquid crystal light modulators and displays. From 1998 to 2001 he worked for Physical Optics Corporation , Torrance, California, USA, where he developed tunable micro-optic components, various display systems and integrated optical components. In 2001 he was appointed full professor heading the Chair of Display Technology at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, where he specializes in large area microelectronics for applications in flexible displays, AMOLEDs and AMLCDs and sensor arrays.
Prof. Fruehauf is a member of the SID Symposium Active Matrix Committee and serves on various other national and international scientific advisory boards, conference committees and journal editing teams.
Norio Karube
Norio Karube (Born in 1937, June)
1961:Graduated from Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo
Started R/D of laser science & engineering in Tokyo Laboratory of Panasonic
1971:Doctor of Engineering from Tokyo University
1985:Joined Fanuc Ltd. (Senior Vice President)
Visiting Professor in Tokyo Electro-Communication University
2002:Established LEMI Ltd. (President & CEO)
Peter Opdahl
Peter Opdahl is President of Ito Corporation and runs Ito Group, a worldwide network of subsidiaries and partnerships that cover the major manufacturing areas of Japan, China, Southeast Asia, India, Europe, and the Americas. He spends a great deal of his time in the area of display and high-density board interconnects, specifically those that involve the use of Anisotropic Conductive Film. Beginning in 1999, Peter began running a highly successful series of Seminars on ACF design and use. The Seminar has now been given over 30 times and has graduates at companies and research institutes worldwide.
Peter was raised in the United States but has now lived for eleven years in Japan, the past six with his wife, daughter, mother-in-law, and one very large dog. He has an undergraduate degree from Georgetown University in Political Science as well as a Masters of International Business Management from the Thunderbird School of Global Management. He also spent two years at Waseda University in Tokyo in a post-graduate research fellowship given by the Japanese Ministry of Education. He speaks, reads, and writes fluent Japanese, and knows just enough Chinese to get into trouble.
Ricardo Henrique Teixeira
With more than 10 years of experience on leading innovative R&D projects, has a strong technical background from its graduation on Electrical Engineering School at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil and complemented by a number of executive specialization courses such as “Complex product design” from MIT – SLOAN. Today is the Director of the Digital Convergence Center at CERTI Foundation Institute in Brazil and also the responsible for coordinating projects with Philips Labs in Brazil. Considering Digital TV activities, took a key role on the development of major projects such as: Instinct Project (2004 to 2006), an European consortium project grouping 23 companies worldwide, focusing on the development of convergent scenarios for Digital TV and 3G cellular networks; The development of the Brazilian Digital TV Standards (2006 to 2008) working as a member of the technical groups responsible for the standard development; On 2007 coordinated technical and marketing activities by leading teams on Brazil, Singapore, France, US for the launching of the first Philips family of Digital TV Terrestrial receivers for Brazil, includes a set-top box and an Integrated TV.
Samuel S. Chung
Samuel S. Chung received his BS in Engineering from Seoul National University in 1969, Ph.D. in Materials Science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1976, and MBA with honor from Syracuse University in 1984. He started his professional career as a research scientist in photocathode development for Schlumberger Company in 1977 and successfully developed the ultra-violet sensitive photocathode with ultra-high quantum efficiency in 1978-79. He also led a NASA-sponsored research program for the imaging tube development to be used for the Space Telescope. He joined General Electric Company, CRT Division in 1980 as a senior scientist and worked for the CRT cathode development and back-end process development. He then joined Philips Display Components Company in 1985 as the Process Engineering Manager and worked on CRT process development. Later on he also led the Application Engineering group for system development and the Design Engineering group for the next generation CRT development. Subsequently, he was transferred to Philips Consumer Electronics Company in 1996 as a Senior Engineering Manager, Display Technology, and led display system development projects including projection display systems.
He joined Samsung SDI in 1997 as the Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, and led various display technology development programs related to PDP, OLED, FED, VFD, LCD, CRT as well as new materials and devices development for Li-ion battery and fuel cell. His leadership in the development of PDP technology and OLED technology towards commercial success, while CRT and LCD were dominant, led to the successful creation of new businesses in PDP and OLED in 2000-2001. He then joined Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology in 2001 as the Executive Vice President and Chief Research Officer, and directed the R&D portfolio in materials, display, semiconductor, MEMS, optoelectronic devices, battery and fuel cell. During his tenure with Samsung for eight years, he was active in the display industry in Korea for the promotion of close collaboration between academia and industry, serving as the first Vice Chairman of the Korea Information Display Society in 2002-03, representing the industry.
He joined Eastman Kodak Company in March 2005 as the Executive Director of the Display Science and Technology Center, and led the research in OLED, Optical Display Films, and Printed Electronics. Recent research results are reported in the SID conference; about 25 papers presented from Kodak in each of the previous two years. He has successfully steered towards the next generation display technology development with the requirements being printable, flexible, and low cost. As a result, those research projects, such as the QD-Coatable Inorganic LED and the ZnO backplane, are on the right track to succeed the current display technology in LCD and OLED.
He has been a member of the Society of Information Display since 1988. He and his wife Jane have two children, Edward and Sandra, both graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Stefano Tominetti
Stefano Tominetti was born in 1964 in Milano (Italy) and graduated in Plasma Physics in 1990 at the University of Milano. In 1995 he received his Ph.D. in Energetics (Nuclear Engineering) at the Polytechnic of Torino. The professional background includes several years’ experience in hydrogen-metal interaction studies at Ispra Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, with more than 20 scientific publications in international journals on theoretical and experimental gas-metal interactions for Fusion Technology. In 1996 he joined SAES Getters Corporate R&D Labs, dealing with getter alloys physical characterisation, getter structure development and residual gas analyses in vacuum devices. In 1998 he was appointed Head of Electron Devices Laboratory, co-ordinating research on getter solutions for Flat Displays and Electronic Devices. He has filed patents on getter materials and devices and has authored and co-authored several publications in this field. Since January 2004 he is Business Manager for Flat Panel products, being responsible for the strategic planning and sales activities in all major FP applications, from VFD to PDP, FED and OLED, both for display and lighting.
Victor Pellegrini Mammana
Victor Pellegrini Mammana é bacharel em Física pelo IFUSP (1993) e doutor em ciências pelo IFUSP (2000). Trabalhou no Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, em Berkeley, California, no período de 98 a 2000, onde contribuiu no desenvolvimento de novos processos e novos materiais para efeito de campo. Foi pesquisador colaborador do Centro de Pesquisas Renato Archer (CenPRA), de Campinas, SP, de 2001 a 2002, onde iniciou um programa de pesquisa e desenvolvimento em mostradores de informação por emissão de campo FEDs. Foi pesquisador do International Technology Center (ITC), do Triangle Park, Carolina do Norte, USA, de 2002 a 2004, tendo liderado projetos na área de emissão de campo e em materiais avançados. Atualmente é pesquisador do CenPRA onde presentemente coordena o Projeto Jovem Pesquisador da FAPESP em “Estruturas para emissão de campo”, o Projeto “FED” e o Projeto “Emmissive Displays”, ambos financiados pela HP, e o Projeto “Roadmap de Nanotecnologia Aero-espacial”, financiado pela Agência Espacial Brasileira (AEB). É membro do grupo de avaliação do Projeto “One laptop per child”, proposto pelo MediaLab/MIT. Contribuiu na criação do Latin American Chapter da Society for Information Display, sendo membro de sua diretoria atual.
Xiaowei Sun
X. W. Sun was born in Beijing, China in 1968. He received his PhD degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He joined the Division of Microelectronics in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Nanyang Technological University as an Assistant Professor in 1998. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2005, and was among the first batch of tenured faculties to retire at 65.
Thus far, Dr. Sun has (co-)authored about more than 150 peer-reviewed journal publications, which include 2 papers in Nano Lett., 1 paper in Phys. Rev. Lett., 1 paper in Adv. Mat., 4 papers in Phys. Rev. B (one Kaleidoscope cover image), and 43 papers in Appl. Phys. Lett. (including one image cover). The total citation of his publications is more than 1400 according to ISI Web of Science (H-index 19). His group is one of the most active groups in developing ZnO based devices, which has been applied for field emission, light emitting diodes, nanoweb interconnect, UV doughnut beam lasing, gas and biochemical sensing, dye-sensitized solar cell, electronic paper etc. Recently, he has discovered a long range excitonic quenching mechanism in organic semiconductors.
Dr. Sun has been the PI for about ten projects (to the sum of about S$ 3M) since he joined Nanyang Technological Universities. There are four projects funded by overseas companies (Honeywell and Nippon Sheet Glass). He has nine PhD students graduated under his supervision. He is on the Editorial Board of International Journal of Nanotechnology. He is a Guest Research Professor of Southeast University of China. He is a Senior Member of Technical Staff of Institute of Microelectronics (IME) as a joined appointed staff. He is also an Adjunct Scientist of Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE). He is the founder and chair of Society for Information Display (SID) Singapore and Malaysia Chapter. He has organized several international conferences, including Society for Information Display Annual Symposium 2008, IEEE Nanoelectronics Conference 2008, Asian Symposium on Information Display 2002 and 2007, Asia Display 2007, East Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors 2007. He has more than twenty invited talks in international conferences including four keynote lectures and won the best paper award during Asia Display conference held in Shanghai in March 2007.
Xingwei Wu

Xingwei Wu received his BS in Physics from Northern Jiaotong University at Beijing, he came to Canada in 1982, received his PhD in Solid State Physics from the University of Western Ontario. Prior to his career in display industry, he worked in different research area such as photovoltaic devices, thin film semiconductors and material surface analysis. Shortly after joining Sherritt Gordon Ltd. in 1990, he led a small group of researchers to develop inorganic EL display technology based on screen printed thick dielectric system, known as TDEL. During his 18 years career in display technology, he led many research and development programs in dielectric, phosphor materials, device structure, and processing technologies, and demonstrated the world first 34” full color HD TDEL display panel in December 2003. He was appointed as the Vice President of iFire Technology in 1999. He has published over 40 research papers and holds over 10 patents on TDEL technology including materials, device structure, manufacturing processes and “color by blue”. He had been a member of SID for many years, and served as a member of International Program Committees for EL Workshop and Asia Display Conference.