Contacting LatinDisplay 2010/IDRC 2010This website of LatinDisplay 2010/IDRC 2010 will be the primary and most up-to-date source of information about the conference. You may also contact the Secretariat of the LatinDisplay 2010/IDRC 2010 by e-mail, phone, or letter. Secretaria of LatinDisplay 2010/IDRC 2010 ABINFO Rua Lauro Vanucci 1020 (CIATEC) – Jardim Santa Cândida 13087-548 Campinas – SP – Brazil Tel: 55 (19) 3327-1688 Alternative contacts: In Portuguese: Alexandre Cândido de Paulo ( In English: Paul G. Cox ( or at (55) 19 3327-1688/1687 or (55) 19 3203-2100) |