LatinDisplay 2020
LatinDisplay 2019;


Temporarily registration is being accepted only by email.

To register send an email to:

To participate in LatinDisplay 2020 and in DisplayEscola 2020 you must register at the website of LatinDisplay 2020 ( See "How to register"

Registration for LatinDisplay 2020 is free.

As there is a limited number of places available, we recommend that you register in advance to guarantee your attendance.

As LatinDisplay will join Infocomm Brasil 2020 in April 15th-16th at the Transamerica Expo Center, you need also to register for Infocomm Brasil ( selecting LatinDisplay. The Registration at Infocomm allows the access to the Infocomm Brasil Exhibition as well to the S&T Symposium and Exhibition of LatinDisplay 2020 at Transamerica Expo Center in April 15th-16th.

