Meeting of the Latin American SID Chapter and Networks
Globalization is the key to participation in the fast moving world of displays and related technologies. There exists no better forum than SID to understand what is happening worldwide in this exciting field. LatinDisplay 2009 offers you the opportunity to directly engage with this world leading society through its Latin American Chapter to become part of this dynamic community.
BrDisplay Network historically has played a key role in connecting people to discuss scientific, technical and industrial trends and opportunities in displays and related technologies in Brazil. It has achieved this by diffusing these technologies; forming, training and exchanging human resources; motivating groups and laboratories in unilateral, bi- and multilateral projects; motivating business, investments and partnership; and fostering new companies and new business in existing companies. BrDisplay Network is contributing to the implementation of the Industrial Policy for displays and for the creation of a productive chain in Brazil.
The same is true of the Ibero American Display Network that has been present in the Ibero American Region since 1992.
Participation in these Networks brings you the benefits of integrating the national and the regional communities that are active in displays and related technologies.
A Meeting of the Latin–American SID Chapter together with the BrDisplay Network and the Ibero–American Display Network will be held in November 18th to discuss future activities, cooperative projects, trainee-ship and human resource formation. All participants of LatinDisplay 2009 are welcome to attend this meeting.