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DisplayEscola is the place to learn about displays or to enhance your knowledge of display processes, materials and measurements. DisplayEscola provides an introductory course on LCDs, PDPs, OLEDs and e–Paper, including demonstrations on fabrication and characterization of the devices.

The lectures will be given by experts in the fields and will bring an international perspective to the technologies. The lectures include ample time for audience participation.

Places are limited, so register for DisplayEscola today to avoid disappointment. See “Registration”.

DisplayEscola Venue and Date

DisplayEscola will be held at Centro de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia/PUC-SP, in S. Paulo, on November 19th, 2009.

Centro de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia/PUC-SP
Rua Marquês de Paranaguá, 111 - Bela Vista
01303-050 São Paulo – SP
Tel (55) 11 3124-7200

For more information about the venue see “About PUC”.

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