xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml> LatinDisplay 2012
LatinDisplay 2014

Contributed Paper Sessions (Oral & Posters)

The Scientific and Technical Symposium of LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012 includes the presentation of papers (oral and posters) on all aspects of research, engineering, application, evaluation and utilization of displays and related technologies.

Papers are solicited for both oral and poster presentation on the topics that are listed, but not limited to, in “About LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012”.

To submit a paper (or papers) to LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012 see “Paper Submission”, observing that, to submit you must be registered at Latin display 2012/IDRC 2012. To register see “Registration”.

The Program Committee reserves the right to consider your submission for either oral or poster presentation. If you have a preference, please, indicate so it can be taken into consideration.

The accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012. The Serial of the Proceedings of LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012 is indexed at the Library of Congress, in Washington D.C., as ISSN 1946-3871.

According to their relevance, full manuscripts of papers presented at LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012 may be selected for publication in the “Journal of the Society for Information Display” (JSID). For more information about this reputed periodical see "Journal of SID”.

Outstanding presented papers at LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012 will be selected by the Award Committee for receiving the “Best Contributed Paper of LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012” awarded by Abinfo. For more information see “Award”.

SID recognizes this Conference for awarding Senior Member Grade to SID members. For more information see “SID Recognition”.

Why present a paper?

Presenting a paper (or papers) at LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012 gives you an exceptional opportunity to:

• Contribute to a technical and scientific program that covers the latest state-of-the-art innovations;
• Divulge and share your work with your peers;
• Benefit from this privileged forum to discuss your technical and scientific results with recognized specialists in the field;
• Discover new nuances and new applications that can enrich and enlarge the scope of your work;
• Motivate new applications;
• Motivate new areas, new fields and new projects;
• Initiate or enhance scientific and technical cooperation;
• Foster new business and new companies;
• Be recognized by the Society of Information Display, including for a Senior Member Grade (See “SID Recognition”);
• Have your paper published in the Proceedings of LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012;
• Have your paper recommended for publication in the Journal of SID (see “Journal of SID”);
• Win the “Best Paper Award” which consists of a Certificate and a cash prize (see “Awards”).
