xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml> LatinDisplay 2012
LatinDisplay 2014

Why present a paper?

Presenting a paper (or papers) at LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012 gives you an exceptional opportunity to:

• Contribute to a technical and scientific program that covers the latest state-of-the-art innovations;
• Divulge and share your work with your peers;
• Benefit from this privileged forum to discuss your technical and scientific results with recognized specialists in the field;
• Discover new nuances and new applications that can enrich and enlarge the scope of your work;
• Motivate new applications;
• Motivate new areas, new fields and new projects;
• Initiate or enhance scientific and technical cooperation;
• Foster new business and new companies;
• Be recognized by the Society of Information Display, including for a Senior Member Grade (See “SID Recognition”);
• Have your paper published in the Proceedings of LatinDisplay 2012/IDRC 2012;
• Have your paper recommended for publication in the Journal of SID (see “Journal of SID”);
• Win the “Best Paper Award” which consists of a Certificate and a cash prize (see “Awards”).
