xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml> LatinDisplay 2012
LatinDisplay 2014

Paper Submission

Papers of 2 pages minimum and 8 pages maximum must be submitted electronically for refereeing by November 11th, 2012 and must be prepared according to the template available bellow. Paper acceptance will be notified by email in November 15th, 2012.

Registration in the website is a pre-requisite for paper submission. The abstracts of the accepted papers will be published in the Advanced Program. Final Papers must be uploaded in the webpage up to October 30th, 2012, to be published in the Proceedings.

Authors are asked to indicate their preference as to oral or poster presentation; however, the Program Committee reserves the right to consider your submission for either oral or poster presentation.

How to prepare and submit papers

Papers must be prepared in PC-compatible format using one of the popular desktop publishing programs.

The preferred language is English, but Portuguese and Spanish will also be accepted.

Papers may contain 2 page minimum to 8 page maximum in addition to figures, tables, and references and must be prepared according to “Paper Template”.

Paper must be submitted electronically via this webpage. Instructions on how to submit a paper are available at “How to upload a paper”.

To post a paper click on “Up–Load Paper”.

If you have any difficulty to register or submit your paper, contact the organizers at latindisplay2012@abinfo.com.br or by telephone by calling +55 (19) 3203-2100 / 3327-1688.

Total Items Available: (3)

Paper Template

dated 09/04/12

SID Copyright

dated 09/04/12

Announcement and Call for Papers

dated 05/09/12

How to upload a paper

Upload your paper according to the following instructions.

1. If you have not already done so, “Log in” to the LatinDisplay website by typing in the username and password used when registering in this website.

2. After login, click on the link "Call for Papers" in the left hand menu. Submenus will open. Select “Paper Submission” and then select "Upload your paper”. A page will appear with a list of papers.At the end of this page, click on "Upload Resource".

3. Another page will appear, so fill in the field "Name" with the name of the first author, and in "Description" put the title of the Paper.

4. At the bottom of the page there is a box entitled “POSITION” please keep selected the “At the Top” option.

5. Click on the "File" button at the bottom to browse your file.

6. Select the paper file you wish to upload. The accepted formats are: .DOC, .DOCX, .ODT.

Note: .PDF files are not acceptable

7. After selecting your file, open it.

8. Click on “Save”.

9. A page with a list of submitted papers will appear with your paper on the top.

10. If you need to upload another paper, go to the end of this page and click on “Upload your paper” again.

11. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for each paper you need to upload.

12. After you have submitted all your papers, you can logout.

13. Keep in mind your username and password, as you will need it later for uploading updates of your paper(s).

To submit your abstract click on “Up–Load Paper”.

Upload your contributed paper

Please, proceed with the upload:

Total Items Available: (41)

41-Artemis Morini

dated 16/11/12

40-Alaide P. Mammana

dated 15/11/12

39-Fátima Gouveia

dated 14/11/12

38-Felipe Rudge Barbosa

dated 14/11/12

37-Alaide P. Mammana

dated 14/11/12

36-Marcos H. M. O. Hamanaka

dated 13/11/12

35-Suelene Mammana

dated 13/11/12

34-Suelene Mammana

dated 13/11/12

33-Pablo Paredez Angeles

dated 13/11/12

32-Ana Grasielle Dionísio Corrêa

dated 12/11/12

31-Mauro Elias

dated 10/11/12

30-Talita Mazon

dated 09/11/12

29-Evandro Smarieri Soares

dated 09/11/12

28-Eduardo Soto-Bustamante

dated 08/11/12

28-Daianne Martins

dated 07/11/12

26-Fabiana Fator Gouvêa Bonilha

dated 07/11/12

25-José Joaquín Lunazzi

dated 04/11/12

24-Mylène C. Q. Farias

dated 04/11/12

23-José Joaquín Lunazzi

dated 03/11/12

22-José Joaquín Lunazzi

dated 01/11/12

21-Fernando Fuzinatto Dall'Agnol

dated 31/10/12

20-Marcelo Kioshi Hirata

dated 31/10/12

19-Edson Corrêa Teracine

dated 31/10/12

18-Guilherme Guedes Moreno

dated 30/10/12

17-Ricardo Toshinori Yoshioka

dated 30/10/12

16-Roberto Panepucci

dated 30/10/12

15-Rogério S. Higa

dated 30/10/12

14-Rodrigo Bonacin

dated 30/10/12

13-Antonio L. P. Rotondaro

dated 30/10/12

12-Márcio Tarozzo Biasoli

dated 29/10/12

11-Maurício Eiji Camilo

dated 25/10/12

10-Yoon Jang Kim

dated 24/10/12

09-Ana Julia Cavalcante da Silva

dated 23/10/12

08-Ângelo Brandão Benetti

dated 18/10/12

07-Adriana S. Ribeiro

dated 17/10/12

06-Esteban Anoardo

dated 15/10/12

05-Ana Paula de A. Marques

dated 01/10/12

04-Alan W. F. de Andrade

dated 28/09/12

03-Alan W. F. Andrade

dated 28/09/12

02-Valéria F. Martins

dated 17/09/12

01-João Vilhete

dated 05/09/12
