How to upload a complete paper or an extended
After receiving the acceptance of your abstract to LatinDisplay 2009, upload your complete paper or extended abstract according to the following instructions.
- 1. “Log in” in the LatinDisplay web site using your email and password.
- 2. Click on the link "Upload your complete paper or extended abstract”. A page with the following fields will appear: title of the paper, names of the authors ordered as in the paper and preference for oral or poster presentation.
- 3. Fill in the fields.
- 4. Click on the "Browse" button; a window will open to explore your files.
- 5. Select the paper file to be uploaded. The accepted formats are: .DOC, .DOCX, ODT,
- 6. After selecting your file, open it.
- 7. Click on “Upload your full paper or extended abstract".
- 8. A page with a list of submitted full papers/extende abstracts will appear with your file on the top.
- 9. If you need to upload another paper/extended abstract, go to the end of this page and click on “Upload your paper/extended abstract”.
- 10. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for each paper/extended abstract you need to upload.
- 11. After you have submitted all your papers/selected abstracts, you can logout.
- 12. Keep in mind your username and password, as you will need then later for uploading updates of your papers/extended abstracts.