LatinDisplay 2009 Prime Sponsorship - R$20,000
The most comprehensive sponsorship at LatinDisplay 2009, allows you to promote your company before, during and after the event. By becoming a LatinDisplay 2009 Prime Sponsor, you will ensure that your brand will be intricately linked to LatinDisplay 2009, the most important display-technology event in Latin America. For your sponsorship in the amount of R$20,000 (twenty thousand Reais), your brand will receive an unparalleled level of promotional coverage, including:
- One complimentary 3 x 2 m booth.
- Three complimentary registrations either to the Scientific/Technical Seminar or to DisplayEscola.
- Listing in the Exhibitors Session of the Proceedings of LatinDisplay 2009 and publication of an abstract of your company and products being exhibited.
- Complete final list of attendees of LatinDisplay 2009.
- Coffee and refreshment breaks during the Scientific and Technical Symposium and the Business Meetings being served in the morning and in the afternoon at the Exhibition Hall.
- Press promotion and access to LatinDisplay 2009 Press Room for press conferences and media interviews.
- Company logo appearing on all 4 Primary Banners
- Company logo highly visible on the LatinDisplay 2009 Website
- Company logo on event tote bags and mouse pads.
- Promotional literature inclusion in all event tote bags.
- Company name and logo on the sponsor list of the Proceedings
- 350 custom notepads & pens with your company logo/name placed in the event tote bags.